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Reset Your Keystore Password and Export Keystore to PEM format

1. Send Google a request to reset your keystore.

Thanks for contacting Google Play Developer Support.
Now that we’ve verified your account, I’m happy to help you reset your upload key. The new upload key will be used to sign APKs that you upload to Play.
Here’s how to generate and register a new upload key:
  1. Follow the instructions in the Android Studio Help Center to generate a new key. It must be different from any previous keys. Alternatively, you can use the following command line to generate a new key:
keytool -genkeypair -alias upload -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 9125 -keystore keystore.jks
  • This key must be a 2048 bit RSA key and have 25-year validity.
  1. Export the certificate for that key to PEM format:
keytool -export -rfc -alias upload -file upload_certificate.pem -keystore keystore.jks

Do take note that the provided command is incomplete.

  1. Reply to this email and attach the upload_certificate.pem file

2. Create and EXPORT the certificate for that keystore to PEM format.

In order to do so, you need to be familiar with command prompt.
For those using a mac, the tutorial below would help:

The gist is to get to the location of the folder which stores the keystore.
To do that, you need to get a grasp of the following command.

1. -ls : to see the folder directory
2. -cd Desktop/FolderName :to enter the directory
3. -cd : to get back to default directory

Once inside the directory containing the keystore. Type the following command and fill in your password when prompted.

keytool -export -rfc -alias youraliasname -file upload_certificate.pem -keystore keystorename

Words in red have to be based on what you assign to your respective keystore.
Do take note that if your certificate.pem is unsuccessful, you will see an exception and the file size is 0 byte.
Some keystorename doesn't have an extension of .jks.
Those created from command prompt do have an extension of jks


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